2024-01-28 14:04:01 -

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2024-01-02 22:05:19 -
不错哦 我电脑偏大,刚开始还担心装不下,等货到了 ,装着刚好,不用担心了,空间大,分层多,分层装更安全,快递也很快 满意的购物




小女儿十一年级以来,功课非常忙,加上有很多课外活动,每天夜里2,3点才睡。有天深夜睡觉前想起要参加SAT II 化学考试,在睡意中上网报了名。一个多月后信心满满去考试,结果坐下来后,监考老师告诉他你报的是SAT I 考试,不能参加SAT II 化学考试,她请求老师通融一下,老师请示以后也爱莫能助。这件事让她觉得自己怎么这么粗心,气得她两天都没有跟人说话。
小女儿跟比她大的姐姐相差7岁,两,三年前我跟她聊天时,无意中透露她的出生是避孕措施没做好而导致的accident, 虽然当时解释她的出生虽然是unexpected, 但不是unwanted, 其实爸爸妈妈对她的爱不比对哥哥姐姐的少。但这个事让她郁闷了好些天,后来她跟许多同学,朋友聊天,发现一半的同学和朋友跟她一样,出生也是accident, 这结果才让她慢慢释怀。
小女儿在红十字会义工多年,去年红十字会有个领导力发展营(Leadership Development Camp)活动,她报名想参加,当时她高中在红十字会E-Board 的4个同学均报了名。半个月后,高中三位同学中的两位找到她,其中一个同学一见面就告诉她说他们已收到红十字的发展营的录取通知,并打开手提电脑将红十字会的email信bla bla 给念了一遍,小女儿当时问另外一位同学是否也收到信,另一位也点头肯定。小女儿没收到信,但她特别想参加,原来也自认为发展营会录取她,因为她在红十字会工作的努力和用心远在他们之上。她又等了三天,还是没收到信,结果给她念信的同学三天后的那天说,他们也没有收到录取信,因为知道她特别想去,跟她开了个玩笑,只是这个玩笑有点过了,也差点会让小女儿很尴尬,她原本打算三天后的那天下午去找红十字会负责录取的老师理论,为什么不录取她。又过了几天,红十字会的正式录取信来了,4位同学中只有那位给她念假信的同学没被录取! 
小女儿前段时间报名参加了新年玫瑰花车游行的红十字会急救义工, 她一年多以前就参加了2天的心肺复苏(CPR)课程,拿到了心肺复苏(CPR)和急救证书,但她从没有机会用上所学急救知识,也许新年花车游行会用上。结果新年花车游行进行得井井有条,无任何事故发生,小女儿在急救帐篷里白等了半天,期间急切盼望有事故发生,好让她学有所用,但她知道这种盼望有点evil。


Just what I wanted. Had previously owned same shoe, love them.
- Guam

I wear these shoes almost exclusively. They always work and wear well.
- Switzerland

Favorite walking shoe. I have flat feet and these are great for comfort and support
- Singapore

My husband has two pairs of Nike air monarch shoes and he loves them and they fit perfectly.
- Liberia

I have inserts from the VA for my shoes that give me good arch support so I just take out the ones provided.
- Switzerland

I'm a truck driver climbing up and down and inside trailers shoes perform well no falling apart yet so I'd buy them again
- Switzerland

I have had a hard time finding these shoes in stores in regular width, so I was really glad I could purchase these at a very reasonable price.
- Singapore

I have a wide foot and they fit well. I use it for working out, yard work and errands. I would not run in this shoe but on a stair master or bike no problem.
- Switzerland

I wear size 8 shoe -orderd size 8 -normal width .I m 5'7" -130 lbs . They fit perfect . Little snug at first as are all new shoes . Hope this helps with concerning ordering a size larger issue .
- Switzerland

This is my third pair of these shoes. I have wide feet so I have a hard time finding good shoes that fit well. These work great and each pair lasts me at least twice as long as previous shoes I have tried. They are very comfortable.
- Switzerland

2023-12-04 03:20:05--
PERFECT!!! Love this bag so much! Great quality, a great size for everyday use! Definitely worth buying! Super quick delivery!

2023-12-04 03:19:03--
As good as it gets for the price! Communication is the worst

2023-12-04 03:02:36--
I'm so happy with my purchase have the bracelet to and the gold necklace bracelet looks so real get so many compliments how they love my jewelry . fast shipping good customer service and communication will definitely be ordering the green next ...

2023-12-04 02:58:31--
The quality is decent, but I had to wait a really long time because they oversold and had to make more.

Displaying 781 to 784 (of 784 reviews)

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